Here is said specimen of Dog... and at 3 months old, she died after not pulling through a fairly routine operration.
I am faairly gutted (not gonna lie) and also quite lost as to now what to do..)
SOOoO, I realised I had not blogged for a decent amount of time, so here comes a post (as you can see)...
First of all this week we start off with a classic
Eye of the Tiger - Survivor (Dirty Disco Youth Interpretation)This tune has one of the most recognizable riffs of all time, and belongs to a legacy of films which are legendary. This track is perfect to drop in a set midway through, or just to listen to on your iPod (other generic MP3 players are available) to bring a simle to your face.
Walking on a Dream - Emperors of the Sun (Kids at the Bar Remix)Emperors of the Sun have created a catchy little number in this, and Kids at the Bar, famous for creating a stonkingly phat remix of Technologic, have worked their magic again.
Gauglione 2008 - Ciscko Brothers (Alex Gaudino Remix)Whilst recently doing photography, I came across Danny Bond DJ'ing in Leeds, at a night called
Daft he dropped this beast of a tune. He specifically mentioned that it was the Alex Gaudino Remix that was the best one, and I tend to agree...
It feels like its a song you've heard before, when actually you haven't... its reasonably large.
Hi Fatmau5 - Deadmau5 vs. Fatman ScoopThis shouldnt work at ALL, but it does. Weirdly
Brazil (2nd Edit) - Deadmau5This song is one ofthose beautiful songs that can make you feel better whenever your down. It helped me with Penny's death, although I've still not really got round to realising that she is dead. Brazil is a 'hands in the air and lets all float around' kinda tune, its really beautiful.
Rappers Delight - Dan the AutomatorSpeaks for itself...... :D